Primitive Baptist Churches
If the church name is underlined, we have a photo of the church. We are looking for more photos and information for the churches.
Bell Spur: Old Bell Spur 1860
Bell Spur: New - Terry's Mill Road, Laurel Fork 1933
Cana Primitive Baptist/Korners Grove
Chestnut Grove: Lambsburg
Coal Creek: Galax
Crooked Creek: Woodlawn 1845
Crossroads/Bayeoodi: Baywood 1845
Dry Pond: Sylvatus 1925
Elk Spur: Fancy Gap 1845
Fellowship/Snake Creek: Hillsville 1848
Flower Gap: Cana 1841
Good Hope: Fancy Gap 1869
Green Hill: Dugspur
Harmony: Old: Hillsville 1832
Harmony Grove: Hillsville
Korners Grove: Cana 1974
Laurel Fork - Old: Laurel Fork on Laurel Fork Road 1846
Laurel Fork - New: Laurel Fork on Calvary Way 1846
Liberty Hill: 1951
Little Vine: 1872
Maple Shade: Laurel Fork 1893
Martin: Gladesboro 1875
Meadow View
Mt. Lebanon: Woodlawn 1888
Mt. View: Volunteer Gap 1895
Mt. Zion: Woodlawn 1877
New Fellowship: Hillsville 1948
New Hope: Fancy Gap
New Hope/Greasy Creek/Reed Island: The Bridge Dugspur 1789
Panther Creek/Green Hill Memorial 1881
Pine Grove: Laurel 1908
Pine View: Laurel Fork/Dugspur 1928
Puckett Memorial: Hillsville
Reed Island: Long Shoal 1902
Sandy Ridge: Cana 1930
Sunnyside: Fancy Gap
Sylvatus: Sylvatus
Worrell Memorial: Laurel Fork 1949
Bell Spur: New - Terry's Mill Road, Laurel Fork 1933
Cana Primitive Baptist/Korners Grove
Chestnut Grove: Lambsburg
Coal Creek: Galax
Crooked Creek: Woodlawn 1845
Crossroads/Bayeoodi: Baywood 1845
Dry Pond: Sylvatus 1925
Elk Spur: Fancy Gap 1845
Fellowship/Snake Creek: Hillsville 1848
Flower Gap: Cana 1841
Good Hope: Fancy Gap 1869
Green Hill: Dugspur
Harmony: Old: Hillsville 1832
Harmony Grove: Hillsville
Korners Grove: Cana 1974
Laurel Fork - Old: Laurel Fork on Laurel Fork Road 1846
Laurel Fork - New: Laurel Fork on Calvary Way 1846
Liberty Hill: 1951
Little Vine: 1872
Maple Shade: Laurel Fork 1893
Martin: Gladesboro 1875
Meadow View
Mt. Lebanon: Woodlawn 1888
Mt. View: Volunteer Gap 1895
Mt. Zion: Woodlawn 1877
New Fellowship: Hillsville 1948
New Hope: Fancy Gap
New Hope/Greasy Creek/Reed Island: The Bridge Dugspur 1789
Panther Creek/Green Hill Memorial 1881
Pine Grove: Laurel 1908
Pine View: Laurel Fork/Dugspur 1928
Puckett Memorial: Hillsville
Reed Island: Long Shoal 1902
Sandy Ridge: Cana 1930
Sunnyside: Fancy Gap
Sylvatus: Sylvatus
Worrell Memorial: Laurel Fork 1949